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Home / Curriculum / Citizenship
In KS2 and KS3, students take part in citizenship lessons where they learn and discuss what makes a good citizen in today's society. Through class discussion, debates and team-work, students work to organise activities and events to raise awareness and funds for one of the local or national charities that they have chosen to support: GSPCA, Teenage Cancer Trust and Paws for Support.
In addition, students learn about the rights and responsibilities of a fair and equal society. Here they discuss democracy - the role of the Government, Parliaments and the Monarchy as well as rules and laws and the role of the Justice System.
In KS4 students focus on careers and preparing themselves for the new chapter of their life post-16. This includes learning about finances. Students will work towards the 'LIBF Lessons in Financial Education Certificate Level 1 or 2', where they will gain a better understanding of money and personal finances. Topics include 'How do we calculate income?', 'What is budgeting?' and 'How do we keep our money safe?'.

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